Wednesday, February 22, 2012

SDIT Anak Sholeh Sedayu Parenting : anak-stres-garagara-ujian-bagaimana-solusinya ?

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Menjelang ujian, biasanya suasana rumah berubah sedikit tegang. Anak-anak sibuk karena harus belajar dan menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah. Sedangkan orang tua, biasanya juga mulai senewen. Tanpa terasa, bahasa tubuh orang tua juga berubah. Mata menjadi lebih lebar, postur tubuh mejadi kaku dan tidak jarang jari telunjuk lebih banyak bergerak untuk memerintah anak. Kalau sudah seperti ini, sebagai reaksi dari stimulus orangtua yang tegang seperti ini, tidak aneh kalau anak-anak pun jadi grogi sendiri. Sudahlah mau ujian, orangtua makin galak, rumah pun jadi tempat yang kurang menyenangkan.

Mengapa ini terjadi? Psikolog anak, Elly Risman Musa, meminta agar kita memasuki dunia anak. Menurut Elly, saat ini anak sedang bersiap menghadapi ujian, apalagi untuk anak-anak yang sibuk menghadapi ujian nasional. Kalau dia bersekolah di sekolah yang baik atau favorit, tentu sekolah akan mengeluarkan kebijakan kepada guru-guru, wali kelas, dan siswa untuk mempertahankan status atau mutu sekolah.

Hal ini dapat berbentuk target-target yang harus dikejar oleh masing-masing wali kelas, kemudian wali kelas akan berkompetisi agar kelas yang dipimpinnya masuk ranking tiga besar nilai tertinggi dari seluruh kelas tiga yang ada di sekolah. Tentu yang menjadi mesinnya adalah anak-anak. Mereka dipacu dengan pendalaman materi dan dibanjiri dengan nasihat-nasihat agar rajin belajar.

Bisa dibayangkan bagaimana peningnya kepala anak-anak. Dalam kondisi lelah dan tertekan sampai di rumah orangtua melakukan hal yang sama. ''Jadi, tidak mengherankan bila reaksi anak Ibu jadi ketus dan sering marah-marah,'' papar Elly.

Untuk mengatasinya, lanjut Elly, yang penting adalah perhatian orang tua. ''Cobalah mendengar dan menjangkau perasaan atau emosi apa yang sedang dirasakannya.'' katanya.

Kalau ia kelihatan lesu, atau sedih, ucapkanlah ''Abang kelihatan lelah sekali. Ini minum dulu nanti Mama pijitin''. Anak merasa ibunya memahami betapa hari ini adalah hari yang melelahkan. ''Dengan bahasa tubuh Ibu yang lebih menerima kondisi anak, ia akan merasa nyaman. Hal ini akan memberi asupan energi baru bagi anak sehingga pada malam hari ia akan siap untuk belajar lagi. Selain itu anak juga akan bersedia berbagi kepenatan dan permasalahan yang sedang ia hadapi,'' ujarnya.

Dengan harmonisnya hubungan dan berkurangnya beban emosi, diharapkan anak akan lebih baik dan lebih siap menghadapi ujian.

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Mengapa ya Anak Kok Sulit Diam dan Fokus?

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON - Orang tua kerap tertekan ketika menerima surat dari sekolah menyatakan jika anak mereka ''tak mau mendengarkan guru'' atau '' sulit dikendailkan dan menyebabkan masalah". Satu alasan paling masuk akal untuk jenis perilaku ini adalah Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Meski anak dengan ADHS ingin menjadi siswa yang baik, perilaku impulsif mereka dan ketakmampuan menaruh perhatian pada tempatnya akan mempengaruhi proses belajar di kelas. Guru, orang tua, dan bahkan teman memahami, jika si anak memiliki ''selip perilaku'' atau "berbeda", hanya saja mereka tak mampu mengartikulasikan dengan tepat apa yang salah.

Gejala hiperaktif dalam ADHD bisa jadi termasuk berlarian, atau memanjat berlebihan pada anak kecil, atau perilaku menunjukkan sulit lelah dan nervous untuk anak lebih tua. Tentu itu sangat kontras bila dibanding aktivitas setinggi apapun anak normal.

Hiperaktifitas pada intinya adalah perilaku minim terorganisir, tak menentu, dan tanpa tujuan tertentu. ADHD cenderung menimpa pada anak lelaki ketimbang perempuan dengan rasio sepuluh banding satu.

Seorang anak dengan ADHD biasanya menunjukkan tanda-tanda seperti susah mengorganisasi dan memperlihatkan sikap ia tidak mendengar instruksi, fokus mudah terpecah, ceroboh, kerap melakukan kesalahan impulsif, sering dipanggil di dalam kelas, susah menunggu gilirannya bila dalam situasi kelompok, gagal mengikuti permintaan orang tua, tak mampu memainkan permainan selama yang dimainkan anak seusianya.

Tanpa tindakan dan terapi yang tepat, anak mungkin akan gagal dalam sekolah, dan teman-teman pun akan kesulitan karena si anak kurang dalam hal kerjasama dan melakukan aktivitas sosial. Begitupun soal jati diri, si anak lebih banyak memiliki kegagalan daripada sukses yang mengundang kritik dari keluarga dan guru yang tidak mengenali masalah kesehatannya.

Jika itu terjadi pada anak anda, jangan segan untuk membawanya ke ahli atau psikiatri tumbuh kembang anak. Itu bukan berarti anak anda memiliki kelainan mental. Jangan merasa minder dan tertekan, sebab bila itu dirasakan sang anak, ia akan merasa lebih tersudut dan lebih tertekan lagi.

Seorang anak dengan ADHD pun memiliki peluang besar tak kalah dengan anak normal. Michael Phelps, perenang internasional Amerika Serikat adalah salah satu contoh penderita ADHD. Peraih 14 medali emas Olimpiade Beijing ini mampu mengatasi kekurangannya menjadi kelebihan. Begitu pula acara TV , Extreem Makeover, Home Edition, digagas oleh, Ty Pennington, seorang penderita ADHD yang mampu mengubah kekurangan menjadi kelebihan.

Riset terhadap ADHD telah banyak didokumentasikan, dan pengobatan akan sangat membantu. Dengan bertemu dengan ahli tumbuh kembang orang tua dapat belajar bagaimana bisa mengatasi permasalahan dengan anak mereka. Tentu terapi menyeluruh dan evaluasi terus-menerus tak boleh lepas dari dukungan lingkungan sekitar, juga para guru. Lebih dari itu orang tua harus percaya dan meyakini bila sang anak mampu mengatasi kekurangannya.

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

7 Daily Spiritual Productive Habits to Develop : Productive SDTI Anak Sholeh Seday

by Abu Productive on December 14, 2010

Seven 7 Daily Spiritual Productive Habits to DevelopYou should aim to develop the following 7 Spiritually Productive activities into habits so that you can hopefully continue benefitting from them throughout your life. I consider these activities as the spiritual ‘bread and butter’ of any ProductiveMuslim. To develop them as habits is the essence of embarking on your journey towards the love of Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) and constantly increasing in your eman, inshaAllah:
1) Pray the Sunnah Prayers before and/or after Prayer:

I know it’s easier to just pray the obligatory prayers and rush out of the mosque! However, when we realise the rewards we’re missing from not praying these Sunnah prayers we won’t leave them. Over the years I have learnt there’s only ONE way of getting yourself to pray these Sunnah prayers constantly: Get into the habit of praying them! They’ll soon become part and parcel of your Salah and your Salah will feel incomplete without performing these acts.

2) Remembrance of Allah after Salah:

Again, it’s easy to rush out after Salah due to our busy lives, though if we are honest, how long does it take to recite the supplications after Salah? (The Answer: 5-7 minutes!). If you’re not sure what I’m referring to, you may find the supplications at Nowadays you’ll find pocket notebooks/or phone applications with these supplications. Get into the habit of reciting them daily after each Salah to enrich your Salah experience.
3) Morning/Evening Remembrance of Allah:

Step 2 is also included in this habit. There exists a beautiful set of duas/remembrances from the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) which he used to say before sunrise and after sunset. They are true stress relievers and energy boosters which never fail to make my days and evenings feel blessed. [You can find the duas at]
4) Night Prayer:

Hamdulillah, during Ramadan we have the wonderful Taraweeh prayers to attend. However, outside of Ramadan there are many opportunities to still obtain the reward of the night prayer. If you’re new to night prayer or you don’t pray it constantly during the year, make sure you try to attend prayers each and every night in congregation at the mosque (particularly brothers), and give yourself a ‘no-excuse’ policy. Develop a habit of praying Tahajjud and continuing to pray them for an entire 30 days; this will set you on better footing to continue with the Night Prayer for the rest of the year inshaAllah.
5) Duha Prayer:

Here’s a Productive Muslim’s top secret to a productive day: 2 rak’ahs known as the Duha prayer which you may pray at anytime after sunrise till before the sun reaches it’s zenith (around 30 minutes before Dhuhr). The reward of this prayer is similar to giving charity on behalf of every bone in your body, and the energy and buzz you feel during the day is amazing.
6) Supplications before you Sleep:

You’ve just had a long day and you’re super tired. You climb into bed and you want to hit the sack… but wait! Before you do, can you give yourself just 10 more minutes to recite the supplications before sleeping? That’s all. Try them and find yourself experiencing the most beautiful sleep ever and waking up for Fajr easily, inshaAllah. For more information on waking up for fajr, constantly, everyday, without fail Read How to Wake up for Fajr.
7) Reciting one hour of Quran each day:

Notice: I said here recite one hour of Quran each day and not one juz’ or one Surah. The amount of Quran you read is not as important as the quality of your understanding. If you spend one hour reciting one verse but understand it fully, that’s more important and beneficial then reciting lots of Quran at break-neck speed yet not understanding a word.

So there you go, 7 spiritually productive habits you can develop throughout the year starting from TODAY!

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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Productive Muslim: Productive SDIT Anak Sholeh Sedayu

ProductiveMuslim Sleep Routine

by Abu Productive on March 13, 2011

If you’ve started waking up early and working in those early hours of the day as we recommend at, you’ll find that it’s pretty hard to be consistent each and every day with this routine. And when you search for the reasons for this inconsistency, you’ll realise that it’s mainly because it’s hard to regulate your sleep; one day you sleep well, so you wake up early and can work hard. Other days, you don’t sleep so well and those early hours are pretty difficult to maintain.

student sleeping on books ProductiveMuslim ProductiveMuslim Sleep Routine

Sleep, as any other activity we do as humans, can be optimized by planning well in advance and following a particular routine each night. You might think: “Dude, I just crash and sleep”. Well, that’s one way of doing it, but here’s another routine. Try it out and tell me if sleep doesn’t become a rewarding, spiritual and fulfilling experience for you after this.

The following sleep routine requires you to prepare for it at least 90 minutes BEFORE you actually sleep. And it’s basically dividing those 90 minutes into 3 parts:

1. One third for Your Lord
2. One third for Your Self
3. One third for Your Sleep

1. One third for Your Lord:

This starts with you making wudhu, brushing your teeth, putting on nice clothes and perfume and praying Tahajjud and Witr for Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) (Note: If you prefer to wake up before Fajr to pray these night prayers then definitely go with that. However, if you can’t trust yourself to wake up that early, it’s better that you pray Tahajjud and Witr Salah BEFORE you sleep). This is my favourite part of the sleep routine and favourite part of the day!

It’s such a calming experience after going through a long hard day, to stand in front of your Lord, recite His verses, supplicate to Him and ask Him of whatever you desire in this world and the Next. Do this for a couple of nights and you wouldn’t want to give up doing it! In fact, throughout your day, you’ll be anticipating this moment and looking forward to it!
2. One third for Your Self:

This is where you prepare yourself for sleep by putting on your pyjamas, getting into bed and reading a good book for at least 30 minutes. If you’re like me, ideas and thoughts will keep popping into your head as you read, and you will want to save them for later. For these, I have a plain notebook and pen/pencil next to me to scribble anything (and I mean anything) that pops in my head! You’ll be surprised how many great ideas originate from these 30 minutes.

Alternatively, instead of reading, you may spend these 30 minutes brainstorming on a plain notebook any ideas,plans, and projects you have in mind. You don’t have to come up with the ‘perfect’ idea/solution, but simply brainstorm as much as you can then literally “sleep on it” (as the saying goes). In the morning, you’ll be surprised at what your sub-conscious mind brings forth for you.
3. One third for Your Sleep:

I’ve said that this is a third for your sleep, but truly this is a third for your Lord to bless your sleep, and basically this involves going through the duas and verses that one should recite before sleeping as per the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). These include reciting Surah Al-Mulk and Surah Al-Sajdah and other supplications recommended before sleeping. For me, this last part of the routine is like the cherry on top of the cake! Nothing fills you with more tranquility than to sleep having uttered the words of Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala).

So there you have it, the ProductiveMuslim routine for Sleep. You may think it’s lengthy, but there has been no day that I’ve followed it, except that I’ve slept peacefully and woken up peacefully.

Hope it works well for you and that you have a productive sleep – Sweet dreams!

PS: The ‘ideal’ ProductiveMuslim morning routine

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